Stuffed Marrow

Stuffed Marrow

For this dish, I use the meat sauce from my recipe for Spaghetti Bolognese as the stuffing.

The Tomato soup really goes well with this dish.



Preparation Time:  10 Minutes

Cooking Time:  40 minutes 

Quantity of meat sauce from Spaghetti Bolognese recipe 1 can Heinz Tomato soup
1 large marrow 1 tblsp Worcestershire Sauce

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Now is the time to put some baking potatoes in the oven, to serve with the marrow.

Cut through the body of the marrow, about 4 inches from the rounded end (not the one that attaches to the stalk). Keep this end, scooping out any seeds - it will be used to cap the marrow once it has been stuffed. Scoop out any seeds and fibrous from the main body of the marrow, until the inside walls are smooth with just the flesh remaining.

Lay a large piece of tinfoil in a deep roasting pan. Stuff the meat sauce into the body of the marrow. If there is any room in the end cap, put some sauce in there too.

Now here's where you probably need another pair of hands - place the end cap against the body of the marrow, being careful not to let any of the sauce run out, and wrap the whole thing tightly in the tinfoil.

Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, by which time the baking potatoes should also be cooked through. 

To serve, cut the marrow into thick rings and place sideways on a plate. Spoon the meat sauce into the rings. Heat the tomato sauce with a dash of Worcestershire sauce, and pour over.