Dorothy's Sage and Onion Stuffing (NEW)

Lovely Meal

Dorothy is my mother-in-law. She and her husband  ran a pub in Lancashire for a number of years, and she was in charge of producing lunches for a large number of customers, a testament to the popularity of her food.

Christmas was a particularly hectic time, with Christmas turkey lunches rolling out of the kitchen with military precision.  

This is Dorothy's recipe for stuffing and is equally fantastic served hot with roast turkey and all the trimmings, or cold on a turkey, apple sauce and stuffing sandwich.

Preparation Time:  10 Minutes
Cooking Time: 2-3 Hours in oven

 1/2 quantity of breadcrumbs to chopped onions  Chicken stock
 Sage to taste  Salt & pepper


Place all ingredients in a shallow casserole dish, apart from the chicken stock. Moisten well with chicken stock.

Place in hot oven. When boiling, turn to low, cover with tinfoil and cook 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally and adding more liquid if necessary to keep moist - don't let the stuffing dry out, ever.