Mount Pohue Rahi, Huahine, French Polynesia

Start Point: Tefarerii Village Dock, Huahine
Duration: 3 hours
Difficulty (1-5): 2
Height of Ascent: 462 metres

This is a short hike up a peak that can be seen from the anchorage off Motu Murimahora on the island of Huahine in French Polynesia.

Mount Pohue Rahi

Take your dinghy to the Tefarerii village dock hike and tie up in their tiny little harbour. At the main road turn left and walk for 400 metres to the last house on the right where you will see an overgrown dirt track leading up.

Start of footpath

The track leads up at between 5 and 15 degrees, through some beautiful conifer woods.  When we went up, the path was quite overgrown and a little muddy, so we were glad that we had long trousers and hiking shoes.  It's also a good idea for the lead person to have a thin stick to pull down the numerous spiders webs that cross the path.  

Walking up through the forest

Keep walking for an hour and a half and you will come to a lookout point that gives a nice view of the island.  Continue following the track to a small building that appears to have been a weather station.  There is an overgrown, single path that continues past the building which leads up to the summit. 

Path to Summit

It took us 15 minutes to reach the peak.  The path becomes steep and is slippery, especially when coming back down, so take care.

View from summit

Return down the same route back to the main road.  Allow 2 hours to get up and 1 hour to get down.