Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls

If you're making bread (see my recipe for Basic White Bread), make some extra dough, and save it for this recipe.

You can then cook the rolls in the same hot oven as the bread.

Makes 12 rolls

Preparation Time:  15 Minutes + 1 hour rising 
Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

 White bread mix  1 tblsp cinnamon
 1 cup raisins  1/2 cup sugar
 Small amount of butter  


Use 1/3 quantity of white bread dough (see my recipe for Basic White Bread).

When the dough has risen, using oiled hands spread out the dough as though making a rectangular pizza base. Spread butter generously all over the dough base. In a small bowl, combine the raisins, sugar and cinnamon, and spread on top of the butter.

Roll up the dough, as though making a swiss roll, and cut 1 inch slices. Lay each slice in the roasting pan(I usually fit 6 in at a time), leaving a little room for expansion, and leave in a warm place to rise for another 30 minutes, or until the slices are just touching each other.

Bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes.