8-ounce cakes

Lovely Meal

I like to call these little fairy cakes '8-ounce cakes' because then it's easy to remember the quantities of the ingredients.

Makes 24 cakes

Preparation Time:  20 Minutes
Cooking Time:  20 minutes

8 oz sugar 4 eggs
8 oz margarine 2 teasp vanilla essence
8 oz flour 1 teasp salt
8 oz raisins or sultanas

Turn oven onto medium heat. Cream the margarine and sugar in a large mixing bowl with a fork. Add vanilla essence. Break the eggs into the bowl and mix in. Add flour to mixing bowl and stir in - ad a little milk if the mixture seems too dry. Add the raisins and stir in well. Drop a dessert spoonful of the mixture into individual cake cases. Bake in the oven on medium heat for 20 minutes or until the cakes are golden brown on top.