Sweet Mincemeat (WIP)

Lovely Meal


Preparation Time:  XXXXXX Minutes
Cooking Time: XXXX Hours


Sweet Mincemeat

if you're going to use this mincemeat to make mince pies for Christmas,  you'll have to get started at least a month before, as it needs this length of time for the fruits to mature in the rum.

Preparation time : 20 minutesPots used : Large mixing bowl

Cooking time : none

Makes : 2 1/2 lb.



1/4 lb.cooking apples4 oz.suet

1/4 lb.currants1/2 lb.sugar

1/4 lb.sultanas1 teasp.mixed spice

1/4 lb.raisins2 oz.brandy or rum

2 oz.mixed peel



Peel and finely chop the apples. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and cover with a cloth. Leave for 48 hours to allow the fruit to soak up all the liquid. Put in clean jars and seal. Leave to mature for at least one month.