Union Island - Rapid Point


This is a very accessible dive and is a great bit of reef, which descends down to sand at around 20 metres.  It's not a commercial dive site, so you could see anything.

We've had a turtle circling around us wondering what we are.

LOCATION:                 Chatham Bay, Union Island 
GPS:                             12°36.411N 61°27.263W
MAXIMUM DEPTH:    20 metres

Anchor the yacht in Chatham Bay. Anchor your dinghy next to the North-west headland in 6 metres depth where there's a gap between the headland and a small island.  It's rock, reef and sand so try to hit a sandy patch. 

Head south-west along a nice reef  slowly descending to 20 metres to sand.  Turn left and follow the reef south-east until you have used half of your air plus a reserve.  Come up to 10-12 metres and head back north-west.  Go past your dinghy anchor and continue to the point of the headland where there is a small vertical wall at 8 metres depth.  Return south-West to your dinghy anchor.  

Excellent bit of reef with some good fish life.  We've seen big Porcupine Fish, Lobster and Tiger-tail Sea Cucumber.