Pumpkin Soup

Lovely Meal

This is a dish that I wouldn't have thought of making until I was faced with stacks of very cheap pumpkins in Guatemala. This soup is not only very tasty, but is also very filling, and cheap if you happen to be in Guatemala! 



Preparation Time:  10 Minutes
Cooking Time:  30 minutes

2 cups chopped fresh pumpkin 1 pint water or fish stock
1 medium onion, chopped 1 teaspoon dried parsley
1/2 pint coconut milk 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup cooked white fish fillet (optional) Pinch grated nutmeg

Put all ingredients apart from the fish into large pan and bring to the boil.  Put lid on and simmer for 1/2 hour until pumpkin is soft.  Remove from heat and mash to a puree with a potato masher, or roughly liquidise. Add the fish to heat through. Add a little more water if soup is too thick.

Provide hot pepper sauce for those who like it hot!